In transit / by Geoff Kim

It's close to 4am local time here in Austin. I arrived shortly after 8pm and have been battling insomnia/jetlag ever since.
So here I am blogging, and putting some thoughts down.
Flight to LA was pleasant to say the least. The QF11 A380 was only…

It's close to 4am local time here in Austin. I arrived shortly after 8pm and have been battling insomnia/jetlag ever since.

So here I am blogging, and putting some thoughts down.

Flight to LA was pleasant to say the least. The QF11 A380 was only half full so I had the whole row to myself. I tell you what - The Social Network is a true masterpiece. How David Fincher did not get the gong is beyond me. And cool to see Sorkin play a bit part in the movie as well, which I picked up on, the second time around.

As I boarded the more crowded connecting flight to Austin, it was a nice surprise to have my first celebrity sighting, with Jake Gyllenhaal chatting away on his phone, while seated in first class. He will most likely be at the opening of his new film 'Source Code', which I'll hopefully be able to attend tomorrow night.

There were no phone shops that I could see at LAX or AUS airports, so I wasn't able to pick up a pre-paid SIM for the Android just yet. The 4G network seems to be fairly prominent here (at least according to the TV ads), and I may experience that for the first time.

At least the wifi in the hotel is flying. Updating apps and software updates like crazy the last few hours, in between trying work out how to add Instragram as a service to my profile & being awkward onYobongo

The room itself is tidy and pretty much has everything one would need during a 11-day stay. There is also a pool, a gym, and a 5.30pm kickback time where they serve free food and booze. That is #winning in any language.

Tomorrow will be an early start. I'll have to pick up the Gold badge as well as look for a SIM before the first sessions of SXSWi.

For those playing at home, the easiest way to track which sessions I'll be heading to is via

Now, one thought remains before I try to get some shut eye - what is the dress etiquette for SXSW??