Creating a habit / by Geoff Kim

See it happen to a couple of friends / Never thought you’d habit

Like many, I struggle with the thought of starting a new project, especially ones of the big and intimidating variety. A couple of recent events, however, may help with this.

First, I teamed up with an accountability partner. The idea is to push one another to achieve short and long term goals, be it personal or professional. We’ve only had 2 sessions but the early signs are promising.

Also this week, Lex Fridman interviewed Tim Urban, of Wait But Why fame, on his podcast. Their conversation around the science and skill of habit-making was most relatable. The upshot is that if you just continuously chip away at a thing for a few minutes at a time, you are likely to see the fruits of your labour over a long period.

For example, if you read 30 minutes every day, that could be a 1,000 books in a lifetime. Break that down into 3 blocks out of Tim Urban’s 100 blocks a day budget then yes, you could potentially be the most read person to have lived in a generation.

With that said, I will attempt to write more here. This time I will commit to at least 3 posts a week.

Creating a habit starts with actually starting.